Sophie Lewis

Core Team


Sophie Lewis

Core Team

You could say my career in the environmental sector began at six years old when at the weekends, my sisters and I would gather up our old toys and attempt to sell them to bemused college students to raise money for World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). This drive to ‘do something' for nature stuck with me and I went on to complete a BSc (Hons) in Environmental Science and an MSc in Climate Change. It was during these years that I became fascinated with the interconnection between nature and the human environment and the different disciplines used to study these.

After graduating from my Master’s degree I joined the World Cetacean Alliance (WCA) where I was able to witness this inter-disciplinary approach in action. During the five years at this global partnership organisation, my roles allowed me to support a range of organisations, businesses and individuals to protect whales, dolphins and porpoises through responsible tourism practices, the arts, education, research, campaigning and much more. I provided training to career developers, established businesses and local authorities across a range of countries and contexts; developed global guidelines for minimising the impact of tourism on wild whale and dolphin populations and; co-founded a global certification programme for responsible whale watching.

I served on the International Jury for Blue Flag International as a Sustainable Boat Tourism expert for three years and am currently a member of IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) - Tourism & Protected Areas Specialist Group Member and a Partner of the WCA. I have previously volunteered for the Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Trust and the Indonesian Manta Project and I am currently volunteering with the People’s Trust for Endangered Species, using GIS to monitor traditional orchards, a priority habitat for many UK species of flora and fauna. Inspired by the power of creative communications, I also enjoy harnessing the mediums of video and photography to tell inspiring stories.

Working with such a variety of stakeholders around the world has truly highlighted that working with people is essential if we are to preserve our planet. My role at Human Behaviour Change for Life is enabling me to build on this and I am delighted to be providing project support to a range of clients and activities while making a tangible positive impact on the environment, animals and human wellbeing.

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